Schedule Changes
Students or Advisors may drop or add courses via Student Portal through end of business on the day before the term begins. Once the term has begun, Schedule Change Request Form must be completed and submitted through Academic Records in Student Services. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain necessary signatures and ensure changes have been completed.
The following criteria will apply:
1. Necessary or essential schedule changes may be made during the first week of the term. Permissible schedule changes must be accompanied by a properly completed Schedule Change Request Form. Beginning the first day of classes a $25 per course fee is assessed for each schedule change. No record of having attended any dropped classes will be shown on the student’s transcript or grade report.
2. After the first week of the semester through specified date found on Academic Calendar, students may drop courses by submitting a completed Schedule Change Request Form. A grade of W will be assigned and will appear on the student’s transcript but will not affect the student’s GPA.
3. After the W period end date, but before the start date of final exams, students may drop courses by submitting a completed Schedule Change Request Form. A grade of WF or WP will be assigned according to the quality of work being done when the course is dropped. A WF counts against the student’s GPA as a failing grade.