Reporting Misconduct and Disciplinary Process

Anyone may report a violation of the Student Handbook by contacting any university official. All reports will be forwarded to the Office of Student Support and Accountability for review. Information about a student's misconduct may come from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, reports from faculty, staff, students, departments, law enforcement agencies, or community members. Other sources of information may include but are not limited to, electronic communications, photographs, social media, and audio or video recordings. The disciplinary process begins when a misconduct report is filed. The Office of Student Support and Accountability reviews every report and contacts both the reporter and reported individuals. During this initial step, the individuals involved are interviewed, provided with a copy of university policies, and informed of possible sanctions associated with the reported violation. Supplemental meetings are scheduled as needed.

Investigation and Decision-Making Process:

After the investigation is completed, a decision is either made by the Office of Student Support and Accountability, or the findings are forwarded to the Associate Vice President for Student Flourishing for further review. The Associate Vice President will then recommend suitable sanctions based on the severity of the violation. At this point, the student will be informed of the sanctions issued and student status level. Detailed sanctions and status level lists are provided below.

Appeal Process:

Students who acknowledge responsibility for policy violations are provided documentation of the decision-making process, issued sanctions, and assigned a status level. Their file is closed.

Students who would like to appeal the Student Accountability case may request an appeal within two (2) business days. This appeal must be submitted utilizing the online appeal form, providing specific grounds for appeal. This form will be provided by the Office of Student Support and Accountability to any student that requests to appeal their case. The appeal form will be forwarded to the Associate Vice President of Student Flourishing to collect documentation for the review. The Associate Vice President of Student Flourishing will then submit all student accountability files along with the student’s request for appeal to the VP of Campus Ministries and Student engagement who will make the final decision on the Student Accountability Case. At the discretion of the VP for CMSE, the appeal case can be heard by the University adjudication panel to help guide the process to a final decision. The appeal process will ensure all university policies are administered consistently and students are treated fairly.


When students violate policies found in the Student Handbook, the following sanctions may be used separately or in conjunction. The severity of the sanction is dependent on the incident and the student’s previous disciplinary record. Sanctions are not limited to a single semester or academic year and may extend into additional academic terms. University sanctions include the following:

Accountability & Mentoring: Students will be assigned to a member of the university faculty or staff for accountability and mentorship. This person is assigned by the Director for Student Support and Accountability and will provide the Director regular updates on the process.
Education or Observation Hours: Students will be required to attend support groups, seminars, lectures, or classes. Online courses may also be mandatory. Students issued education/observation hours are required to provide a written summary of their time to the Office of Student Support and Accountability.

Fine: Students will be charged a monetary fine. Fines will be imposed in conjunction with other sanctions. Fines may vary based on offense and prior disciplinary record. The maximum fine for any single violation is $1000. NGU institutional financial aid cannot be used to pay a disciplinary fine.

No Contact Order: A “No Contact Order” means a student must make all reasonable efforts to avoid any contact with a particular member of the university community. Contact is defined as, but not limited to, close proximity to contact through other members of the university community or outside persons, or contact via any digital or social media platform. This sanction is applied to on-campus and off-campus situations. Further details will be provided to the persons involved when the specific no contact order is drafted.

On or Off-Campus Counseling: Students will be required to attend counseling sessions. The counselor, in contract with the student, will determine the number of counseling sessions appropriate for the student. Counseling is confidential under guidelines given by the counselor. In compliance with counseling confidentiality, a report of satisfactory completion of counseling will be issued to the Office of Student Accountability.

Restrictions: Students’ campus activities, amenities, and/or movements will be restricted.

Restitution: Students will be required to reimburse the university or community member for damage to and/or misappropriation of property.

Status Level:

When students are issued a sanction, one or more of the following status levels are assigned. The Office of Student Support and Accountability will designate when the status level changes.

Expulsion: Students assigned an expulsion status will be expelled and not allowed to return to any university campus or attend any event sponsored by the university without prior written consent from the Associate Vice President of Student Flourishing.

Disciplinary Notice: A disciplinary notice serves as a warning for students. Students who continue to violate university policies will be subject to further sanctions and increased status levels.

Disciplinary Withdrawal: Students assigned a disciplinary withdrawal have egregiously violated the policies of the university. Disciplinary withdrawal serves as a temporary expulsion. Students will not be allowed to return to any university campus or attend any event sponsored by the university without prior written consent from the Associate Vice President of Student Engagement. Students must follow guidelines given by the Office of Student Accountability for re-admittance. Two (2) disciplinary withdrawals will result in a final expulsion. Students assigned a disciplinary withdrawal from the university, even for a short period of time, may face additional consequences in other areas, such as:

  • Tuition, residence hall costs, and fees (suspension does not forgive financial obligations)
  • Student financial aid (including state-funded scholarships)
  • Athletic participation and eligibility
  • University Housing and Meal Plan
  • Use of campus resources and access to campus
  • Immigration status for international students
  • Status and benefits of veterans and dependents of veterans
  • Academics

Out of Good Standing: Students out of good standing are prohibited from actively participating in extra-curricular activities unless required to fulfill an academic requirement. Leadership positions in any club, organization, or team will be forfeited. It is up to university officials if students are allowed to return to prior leadership positions. Students are ineligible for awards while out of good standing. Students with three outstanding disciplinary fines will be moved from good standing to “out of good standing” status. Students will be notified by the Office of Student Engagement on how they may return to good standing status.
Residency Termination: Students are issued a residency termination when they are ineligible to live in university housing but allowed to remain a student.