Special Courses

CHPL-1023 Chapel

CHPL-1023 is an intentional time of God-centered worship for the university family that highlights the importance of community in discovering our individual roles in the serving God. Chapel meets twice weekly each fall and spring semester. Full-time, degree-seeking students must successfully complete the chapel requirement for seven semesters in order to graduate from North Greenville University. In addition, part-time students must pass a minimum of two semesters of chapel to earn a bachelor’s degree from the University. To pass a semester of chapel, students must attend and participate in 18 chapel opportunities during the semester. Students must scan their NGU ID Card at the conclusion of chapel to receive attendance credit. After the successful completion of seven semesters of chapel attendance, students are exempt from further chapel requirements.

Chapel presentations address the imperatives of the Christian faith relating to worship, evangelism, discipleship, prayer, fellowship, and ministry. Two meetings per week.

Full-time, students that have no classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, should contact the Office of Campus Ministries and Student Engagement to enroll in the online chapel class.

COLL-1100 NGU 101

COLL-1100 focuses on helping students make a successful transition to college by providing opportunities and resources for gaining the information and developing skills necessary for success in college and in life. Using the framework of “Becoming a Difference Maker,” this course engages students to begin realizing their full potential intellectually, physically, socially, culturally, morally, and spiritually. College 1100 introduces the students to a Christian world view and to their chosen academic discipline. (Students receive one-hour credit. The course meets a general education requirement for graduation.)

Exemption of NGU 101

Any student who enters NGU with 30 earned credit hours or greater can be exempt from taking the NGU 101 course in the First Year Experience program. A student who exempts NGU 101 based on earned credits will make up the credit hour with an elective.

COLL-1250 Turning Point: Academic Success Strategies

COLL-1250 is designed for students on academic probation and students considered at-risk academically. It is designed to help students improve their abilities to stay on course to reach success in college and in life. Students learn and adapt proven strategies for creating greater academic, professional, and personal success

PALS-1000 Performing Arts and Lecture Series

Performing Arts and Lecture Series (PALS) programs are offered as a part of a liberal arts education and are intended to give students an appreciation of the arts. Such an education seeks to educate the whole person. The goal is a well-rounded, well- informed individual aware of the world and his or her place in society. In exposing students to the arts, educators hope students will develop an understanding of beauty and truth as revealed through artistic expression. As a Christian institution, North Greenville University is also interested in God’s revelation as expressed through the arts.

Attendance will be awarded on a pass/fail basis. Attending three events (on or off campus) will result in a grade of P or passing. In order to graduate, students are required to pass PALS-1000 for four full-time semester they are enrolled at North Greenville University. Students who have completed four semesters of cultural events credit and have not completed a bachelor’s degree need not further enroll in PALS-1000.

A student who fails PALS-1000 will take the course again in another semester. Full-time students must pass four (4) semesters of PALS-1000 to graduate, and part-time students must pass two (2) semesters of PALS-1000 to graduate. Information concerning the Performing Arts and Lecture Series can be found on the NGU Performing Arts and Lecture Series Page.