BIOL-1435 Human Biology

For Non-Science Majors This course is designed for non-science majors and will fulfill the general education requirement for other degree programs. This class introduces the student to the human body from the perspective of very basic anatomy and physiology. Informational content provides the student with background knowledge required to develop a general understanding of how the human body works. The course will provide the student with the perspective for understanding the marvelous workings of the human body and equip the student to better understand his Creator. Topics include discussion of each of the organ systems of the body, in addition to such controversial issues as stem cell research, cloning, and other societal issues such as abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide. The student will be equipped to defend why he or she takes the stand that he/she does. The course also has a lab designed to reinforce some of the basic principles of biology as well as application of these principles to bodies and life itself. Lab fee required.



