Student Responsibilities

1. Students will be at every class session (T) or exhibit regular weekly participation (O).

Participation in a specific NGU Online or traditional online* class is defined as completion of at least one of the following, such as, but not limited to:

  • Submitting an assignment
  • Posting in a threaded discussion
  • Completing a test or quiz
  • Participating in a synchronous meeting

2. Students may be asked to provide documentation for any absence: University, Medical, Family.

3. Students should communicate directly with their faculty for absences due to non-athletic University events no later than a week prior to a scheduled event.

4. Students should communicate directly with their faculty at the beginning of each semester for absences due to athletic competitions.

5. Students should communicate directly with their faculty for known athletic medical event absences no later than a week prior to a scheduled athletic medical event. The Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) will notify faculty of an emergency athletic medical event. The student should still follow-up directly with faculty after the emergency.

6. Students should not attend class if they are sick. Instead, students should contact their faculty, if possible, before any classes are missed, if they need to be absent from class due to a short-term illness. Students should communicate directly with faculty for all short-term illnesses (less than 1 week). Medical documentation will be requested in order to excuse the absence. NGU employs a nurse at the NGU Clinic,

7. Students should contact the OAA, at (or by scanning the QR Code below) within 24 hours when a medical or family emergency occurs that may cause a student to miss 1 week or more of classes. The OAA will contact the student’s faculty and inform them of the absence, return date, and any requests for extended absences. Appropriate documentation will be requested. The OAA does not excuse the absence but informs the faculty who then determines the absence status.


8. Students should plan utilization of unexcused absences in accordance with the published University calendar. Exception requests should be submitted to the OAA no later than two weeks prior to the requested absence.

9. Students should make up any course work missed due to late enrollment in a class after the first scheduled day of class.

*An NGU Online course is one offered through the University’s online programs and is typically directed towards non-traditional students. A traditional online class is a class offered by the University’s traditional programs in an online format.