Conduct and Cooperation
Students should always conduct themselves courteously and in accordance with NGU community standards. Students’ rights to peacefully assemble, without interfering with normal campus operations, are permitted pursuant to this policy. In the case where a peaceful assembly is desired, students must first request permission from the VP for Campus Ministries and Student Engagement via email stating their desire, rationale and plan for the assembly. Proposed assemblies going against the core values of the University or the Statement on Human Flourishing published by NGU will not be permitted to take place on NGU property. Upon approval and provision of an assembly permit, students will then be permitted to assemble on campus for their designated cause and pursuant to the approved plan. No student group or any other group will be permitted to assemble without a preapproved assembly permit. No student or group should obstruct the free movements of other people around campus, interfere with the use of university facilities, or materially restrict the normal operation of the university at any time. Disruptive behavior, disorderly or obscene conduct, and offensive actions or conduct are prohibited on university property or functions of the university off-site. Students may not ignore the university’s request for orderly conduct. Students are encouraged to maintain an orderly and well-behaved community of excellence.
Students agree to always cooperate with any properly identified university official. Inquiries made by university officials and representatives should be answered immediately and truthfully. Intentionally avoiding gate checks, ignoring requests to stop their vehicles, or participating in other actions that avoid university officials is prohibited. Students may not purposefully give a false report (police, fire, emergency incident, etc.) to any university official or emergency response personnel, either in person or by any other method, or cause a false fire alarm at any time.