Hazing and Bullying

Hazing can be identified as, but not limited to, any situation where any individual or group knowingly requires a student or other person at the university to perform any act, on or off-campus, for the purpose of induction, admission, or membership into any group (team, club, organization, etc.) associated with or connected to the university. A person’s willingness to participate in an act of hazing does not justify or excuse the act or fall outside of this policy. If any harm comes to an individual during a hazing act, all persons involved will be held responsible. Induction, admission, or membership activities that are not classified as hazing, and are conducted in a respectful manner that does not involve shameful, hurtful, disrespectful, or dangerous acts may be carried out if approved in advance by the Office of Student Accountability. Actions that interfere with individual liberties are prohibited. Participating in or promoting class or group clashes, fights, hazing, or other types of disorderly behavior both on and off-campus is prohibited.

Language (either verbal, written, or images), digital communication (either texting, mobile phone, or any social media), or actions that contain, suggest, or are perceived as threatening, humiliating, intimidating, harmful, stalking, hateful, violent or that create a hostile environment directed toward anyone will be subject to disciplinary action.

Bullying may also be considered unlawful harassment or discrimination. These actions will be processed in accordance with Title IX of the US Education Amendments, VAWA, local and state statutes, and the university. More information regarding Title IX can be obtained here.