Grading System

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Immediately after final examinations each semester or term, faculty members report grades to Academic Records. Students may view their grades on-line through the Student Portal. If a student does not have internet access at home, they can request in writing a hard copy of their grades to be mailed home.

The grade point average is determined by dividing the number of accumulated quality points by the number of hours attempted in courses that carry quality points at North Greenville University. The number of quality points is determined by the grade as shown below:

A = four quality points per semester hour
B = three quality points per semester hour
C = two quality points per semester hour
D = one quality point per semester hour
F = no quality points per semester hour

Credit received in transfer from other institutions does not affect one’s grade point average.


A = Excellent                         LB = Lab Grade***
B = Good                               W = Withdrawn
C = Average                          WF = Withdrawn failing
D = Passing*                         WP = Withdrawn passing
F = Failure                             I = Incomplete
P = Pass                                IP = In progress
AU = Audit                             XF = Failure because of excessive absences
NG = Not Graded**               NC = No credit but making progress in a developmental class

*Because of the adverse effect on GPA, all students are strongly encouraged to repeat courses in which they have made a grade of D or F.

** NG and LB grades are awarded for required courses which must be completed but do not have an associated letter grade. These grades do not impact GPA.

***An I grade is given only when work is not completed due to illness or other circumstance beyond student control. A completed Request for Incomplete Grade Form must be submitted, through Academic Records in Student Services, prior to the end of respective term. All work must be completed by the documented student and instructor agreed upon date, which cannot extend beyond midterm of the following term. If assignments are not completed by the documented date, the grade of I will automatically become an F. A grade of I will not be given simply because assignments were not completed.

PA Grade Scale

Letter grades and a grade point average are derived using the following point scale: 

A+ (4.0) 97-100 B+ (3.3) 87-89 C+ (2.3) 77-79
A (4.0) 93-96 B (3.0) 83-86 C (2.0) 73-76
A- (3.7) 90-92 B- (2.7) 80-82 F 00-73

The PA Program does not round. 

Grades in Transitional Studies

The purpose of transitional courses is to help students develop skills for successful transfer to all academic disciplines. Course numbers beginning with a zero receive no credit toward graduation and does not calculate in the grade point average. Students who achieve the necessary skill level to exit a transitional course receive grades of A, B, C, and D, based upon criteria established by the instructor at the beginning of the course.

Transfer Credit

Transcripts are evaluated in Academic Records prior to enrollment. Upon enrollment and receipt of official final transcript, Academic Records enters classes in the student’s North Greenville University transcript. Students can view the transfer work on their Degree Audit via the Student Portal.

Credits earned at another regionally accredited institution may be transferred back to North Greenville University provided the grades are C or better and the courses are relevant to the curriculum at North Greenville University. The transfer grades will not be used by the University in computing grade point average but will be used as “earned hours” in accumulating hours for a degree. NGU credits are based on semester hours, so credits from institutions that grant credits according to other delivery systems (e.g., quarters, trimesters) will be adjusted accordingly and proportional credit received.

A grade of D in a single subject may be transferred back to the University only if it affects graduation at North Greenville University and the cumulative GPA at North Greenville University is 2.0 or higher.

Students wishing to transfer coursework back to North Greenville University after enrollment must have written permission. Students must submit a completed Transient Permission Form, signed by the student's Academic Advisor and Dean, to Academic Records prior to enrolling in a course at another institution. 

A minimum of 25 percent of all credits applied toward a degree must be earned from North Greenville University. This 25 percent ordinarily will include a minimum or 25 percent of the credit required for the major. The student must earn thirty (30) of the last thirty-six (36) credit hours in a degree program at North Greenville University unless an exception is approved by the respective Dean and the Provost. Partnerships with articulation agreements are an exception to this policy. 


Recognition of outstanding academic achievement is made in the following ways:

  1. Dean’s List: Full-time undergraduate students whose grade point average (GPA) is 3.5 or above for a given semester comprise the Dean’s list for that semester. Students enrolled in any transitional courses are not eligible for the Dean’s List. Students who receive a grade of "I" (Incomplete) are also not eligible for the Dean's List.
  2. Undergraduate students are eligible for the following honors at graduation, based upon their final GPA:
GPA Honor
3.5 - 3.74
Cum Laude
3.75 - 3.89
Magna Cum Laude
3.9 +
Summa Cum Laude